Hello Readers,
It’s been a couple weeks since I have last posted due to the fact I was taking my final exams. My exams weren’t necessarily difficult, but they were time consuming. As many of my friends and family know, I am a bit of a procrastinator so this did not help my case. Nonetheless, after many hours spent at outdoor picnic tables, the law building, and some other study rooms around campus, I managed to finish all of my exams. Now that I am completely done with school for my remaining time here, I am going to try and go on as many adventures as possible. If I am being honest, it kind of puts a lot of pressure on me to try and squeeze in as much as possible before I go home. Nevertheless, the challenge is accepted.
Gold Coast
Before my exams started, I went to the Gold Coast to visit our friends at Bond University. The Gold Coast was absolutely beautiful. We toured Bond University’s campus and it reminded me a lot of Hope College’s campus. It was a lot smaller than my University in Sydney, but it still had a rich environment with lots to do. When I was there, I spent my time at the beach, horse races, and exploring the town. I have never been to a horse race before I went to the one in the Gold Coast. That being said, it was very entertaining to watch people win and lose money on bets and calculate which horses would place in a race. On our beach day, we went swimming for a large sum of the day at Burleigh beach. The waves were stronger than we were, but I have never seen my friends or I laugh so hard while resurfacing from a wave that completely demolished us a few moments before.
Once it was time to leave, it was very hard to say our goodbyes a third time to our friends staying in the Gold Coast. In the little time we had together though, we still made lifelong bonds and are planning on everyone meeting up this summer, no matter how far we live away from each other.
Sydney Fun
Our freedom from school work in Sydney has just begun. There is not a shortage of things to do in this city. We have been spending consecutive days at beaches anywhere from Bondi to Coogee. I’ve bought more sunscreen than I would like to admit, but being in the Australian rays comes at a cost. I’ve been trying to be mindful of each experience I am currently having because soon enough, this will just be an end of a chapter which saddens me to say.
My friend Mali and I went to Watson’s Bay the other day. It is a small beach town where there is a walk that shows you some of the best views in Sydney. After sunbathing on some rocks we found along the walk, we ate at a beach club and then rode the ferry home. It’s days like this that make me never want to leave. I am very grateful for my life here in Sydney. Speaking of gratefulness, happy late Thanksgiving! It was an odd feeling being away from my family on Thanksgiving. I have never been apart form my family on a holiday. However, after face-timing my family, my friends and I had friends-giving and celebrated our US holiday in Australia.
What’s Next?
Tomorrow, I leave for Tasmania. We are staying in a hostel to save money which excites me because I have never stayed in a hostel before. We have a few things planned that we want to do there, most of which entails hiking to world renowned views. Once we come back, we will only have a week left in Sydney. I look forward to updating you one on my last week and a half abroad, as much as it pains me to admit that I only have that amount time left here.
Stay Tuned,
Kassie Lamar