Najifa Hussain, ’25, is a Management Information Systems major studying at the American University of Rome this Fall 2022.
For as long as I can remember, I have always been extremely interested in studying abroad and finding a college with a great study abroad program was a huge priority of mine. Thankfully, Drexel had exactly that and many more perks that checked off my list when choosing a college. Starting my freshmen year, I began to research what programs Drexel offered and what would be best for me in terms of city, school, and flexible travel. Thus, after a lot of research, I decided to pick Rome, Italy as my first choice city when applying. Before coming here, I didn’t really understand how much of a significant impact spending four months abroad would have on me. But now that I am here, I can confidently say that studying abroad was the best decision for me and here’s why:
Adapting to a new global setting and embedding myself within the culture and traditions of Rome has changed my mindset in a positive way and shown me that there’s always something new to discover each day. It is truly eye-opening being able to experience new environments and learning how to communicate with those outside of what you already know. My host university classes have allowed me the chance to see a different point of view in my academics and gain a broader sense of what I may want to due in my future career path. On top of that, I feel as if I have gained a greater amount of skills studying abroad as I learn to maneuver my way through different cities in Europe by learning the mannerisms, languages, and how to best travel in each country. You learn how to finance yourself better and that the adventures you experience are memories that will stay with you forever.
Studying abroad has also given me the chance to be more content with who I am as a person and learn to love my own company. Other huge skills you will learn while embarking on this journey is how to be independent, responsible, and a quick problem-solver. Not only will these skills. help you professionally in you career but also personally in the long-run. Each day here, I am excited to broaden my horizons and create new experiences for myself and I believe that is why this adventure has had such an unforgettable impact on me and also why I would highly recommend studying abroad at least once in your life if you are able to during your college years.